Monday, 22 July 2013

camden station and yard nsw

when i was a boy  i grew up near a little town called camden in nsw  i remember going to mac's  at narellan and they had alot of photos  of the camden branch line (sadly all the photos are gone when macs got a make over a few years ago) and this started a long  interest in finding out as much as i could about this branch line that ran from 10/3/1882 - 1/1/1963 in the latter years the coal loader at narellan  kept the line open  coal was trucked into narellan from  Burragorang Valley ( near the oaks)

there is very little left of the line  because of the F5 and the widening of  narellan  rd and the  the build up of houses but here is a few photos i found

so i have decided  to model  camden station and yard and narellan station and little yard as a branch on my layout the only  place on my layout to be  modeled on a real place    here is a drawing i did of the camden yard/station  i got my info from alot of photos but i still need  more  to get more of the yard and surrounding buildings

and narellan 

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