Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Dressing Up

 Hi there,  as i mentioned  last post the detaling  bug has bitten here is 2 HUMBLE S trucks  ive been working  on .This detailing   is very very  addictive, even if im not that got at it . 1st two photos   is how the s trucks   looked   and   the others   are how they turned out and   the last ine us a comparison   of how   i got them   to look versus  how   i got them


  1. Oscar,

    If the detailing bug has really struck, you might also like to consider shunter's steps and grab iron, not to mention the brake arrangements part of which is usually visible when looking at the S truck from the side. James McInerney wrote a great article on detailing S trucks in Branchline Modeller No 3, later published as the Australian Journal of Railway Modelling.

    cheers Phil

  2. Cheere mate i have plans too but as we all know we all into a hobby shop knowing what we want then walk out with a few things and a whole of other things , I'll get back and buy the rest of the stuff i intended too
